The Beginning...
Geno & The Blue Island Band is a collaboration of Geno Kostelnik, James Lewis, Joe Horner, and Joe DeRose. It all started at an epic jam session pool party at “Bovey’s” rock star mansion in the East Foothills of San Jose, California. Geno stepped up to perform his solo set and after a few songs James Lewis asked if he could sit in on guitar. Shortly after, Joe DeRose sat behind the drum kit followed by local Bass player Scott McGinn. From the first note, there was a vibe and chemistry as if they were reading each other’s minds. This was the spark that led to the beginning of the band. Shortly thereafter, with the invitation of Joe DeRose, Joe Horner would become the missing piece of the puzzle. It’s truly a pleasure to be surrounded by such a talented group of friends that we now consider family. As a note… The background image shown above is a picture of when this magical moment was actually taking place. Hope you enjoy the music as much as we do! 🙂